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Oliver Corrigan

Oliver Corrigan
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Five furnishing trends that will enhance productivity in the workplace

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Nov 25, 2013 10:37:00 PM
Now that we’re in 2013, we can see that the business world has gone truly global, and with that comes stiff competition. It’s now more imperative than ever to keep employees as productive as possible, to give companies a fighting chance to survive in the new global market.
Company management will always devise new ways to boost productivity, whether it be through extra bonuses, days off, even pizza vouchers! But there are other ways that you might not have considered --- like taking a closer look at your office furnishing. Take a peek at this handy guide to furnishing trends designed to enhance productivity in your workplace.
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What I learned in China

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Nov 25, 2013 10:36:00 PM
After eight years in China, I certainly learned a thing or two about doing business in the People’s Republic. But the lesson one is constantly reminded of when trying to succeed in China, is that it’s damned tough to do business as a foreigner. This difficulty is not simply a question of the tight rules and regulations imposed on foreign enterprises by government, it’s also a question of a language and culture barrier, having the right connections, and doing market research.
First and foremost are the rules and regs. You have to check what type of business you can actually do. For foreigners, it’s not just about putting up a sign or getting a few documents signed - it’s an obstacle course of red tape that you have to comply with to the letter! Locals are actively encouraged to start up businesses, and all it takes is money and a signature most of the time. It’s tougher for foreigners.
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5 signs you're ready to leave the home office

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Nov 25, 2013 10:34:00 PM
A home office --- no more getting up at 6am, no more commuting, 
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How should you set up your office desk?

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Nov 25, 2013 10:33:00 PM
How much do you think about the setup of your workstation before you plonk yourself there and start working? 
If your answer was anything other than “quite a lot, actually!” then you could be doing yourself quite a lot of harm.
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Topics: News

Is buying your business property the correct choice?

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Nov 25, 2013 10:31:00 PM
Companies all over the world have long held the view that a sensible use of money is to invest in a property to call their very own.
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Topics: News

Who uses a virtual office?

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Nov 25, 2013 10:30:00 PM

You may have heard the term virtual office, and you may be fully aware of the advantages virtual office services can give you, but there’s another question we’re overlooking --- who uses them anyway?

The answer is that there are many people and businesses out there that could take advantage of a virtual office service:

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Topics: News, Co-working and Flexible Working

Benefits of video conferencing

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Nov 25, 2013 10:29:00 PM
One of the many great business facilities at Carrwood Park is video conferencing. It has become an inseparable part of Carrwood’s state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, and is supported by the in-house IT team. Now, video conferencing may be something that you think your business doesn’t really need, and something you see no real tangible benefits in --- that’s where you’d be wrong.
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Topics: News, Meetings

What type of office space layout is the most productive?

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Nov 25, 2013 10:27:00 PM
Open-plan offices – a popular global trend currently used in as much as 70% of offices in the US. Their arrival was hailed as the perfect way to foster a collaborative and creative environment. And they were welcomed by employees who had come to loathe the “prison” that was their old cubicle.
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Topics: News

What exactly is a virtual office?

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Nov 25, 2013 10:27:00 PM

If you’re looking through the Carrwood Park website, you’ll find a lot of information on our virtual office services. But it could be that you’re still wondering what exactly having a “virtual office” means. Maybe you’re picturing some kind of headset you wear and you see yourself in a computerized office environment, like something out of The Matrix.

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