Topics: Co-working and Flexible Working
Rolling out of bed at 8.50am. Blearily making yourself a coffee and starting work at 9.00am still in your pyjamas! Sounds heavenly doesn’t it? But is the lure of homeworking as productive, convenient and appealing as it seems? Let us answer the question: Do I need office Space?
Topics: self-employed, Meetings, offices, Co-working and Flexible Working, Start-Up, SME, business
Co-working, virtual office space, shared offices, they all give workers who work independently from a ‘traditional’ office the chance to reap the benefits of working alongside other people in a flexible and modern way.
Topics: self-employed, Co-working and Flexible Working, Start-Up, SME, business
Topics: self-employed, Co-working and Flexible Working, Start-Up, business
Strapped for time? We’ve all heard of the term ‘outsourcing’. Like estate agents and bankers, ‘outsourcing’ was once considered a slightly controversial practice. As global business practices continue to evolve and change, outsourcing is becoming infinitely more widespread, popular and imperative.
So what is stopping you?
Topics: Co-working and Flexible Working
Topics: Co-working and Flexible Working
This beautiful photograph of Leeds was taken Paul Campbell from The effective group.
Being such an exciting, vibrant and ambitious urban metropolis, Leeds is a city that’s geared up for business.
Would you believe 75% of employees say communal, flexible working boosts their job satisfaction?
Flexible working in Leeds, like the rest of the Uk, is a growing industry that is changing the way we work.
Topics: Co-working and Flexible Working