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Oliver Corrigan

Oliver Corrigan
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Online Branding: Do you need a Website?

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on May 2, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Did you know that in 2015, consumers were set to spend an average £1,174 shopping online, a 9.6 percent rise on 2014? A study conducted by RetailMeNot, the parent company of Vouchercodes.co.uk, observed that British online retailers will experience a 16.2 percent year-on-year sales spike in 2015 to reach a staggering £52.3 billion. With more and more of us reaching to the geographically boundary-free world of the internet to do our shopping, read reviews, read the news, book flights, watch television, download music, chat to friends, conduct business, and the myriad of other tasks you can carry out conveniently and leisurely online, it stands to reason that every business needs a website, right? Not necessarily.

In the final part of this series we will ask do you even need a website? It sounds controversial but in our last article about consistency across the web we listed a host of channels that any business seeking success is likely to need setting up and populating. That takes time - a lot more time that you think. So before you rush to add your website to the to do list it’s good to take a moment and ask do you really need one?

It sounds shocking doesn’t it? and depending on your industry it might be a non-starter, but more and more often I’m sitting down with SME’s, who think their websites are doing well and bringing in new business, but when I look at the analytics it tells a different story.

‘What? you mean they are not reading the lengthy pages of copy and images that I have painstakingly prepared’ No, sorry.

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Topics: branding

One Voice: Consistency of your Branding online

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Apr 25, 2016 8:00:00 AM

In this series of blog posts, we have discovered ​the impact of branding​, and ​how to create your brand on a budget​, now we turn our attention to the importance of brand consistency online. By now we have begun to understand more about the importance of brand and how identity is much more than just your business logo. This is especially relevant as we start to think about online brand presence and how this can enhance your brand reputation. 


As you start to create your online campaigns, social media activity, content for your website and blogs this exposes you to a massive online audience. You are beginning to build and develop multi­channel content and your customers are with you at every stage of that online journey. So getting this right is absolutely crucial not only to your online success, but your business as a whole. 


Brand consistency is everything. Like I’ve said numerous times, it's looking beyond the logo and delivering a consistently positive experience of your business to all of your audiences through a consistent ​look, feel and ​tone​. Remember, your brand is like telling a story. It needs to be compelling and tell your customers who you are, what you do and informing them about what they can expect from your products and services. So making sure this storytelling is consistent at every stage, across every channel is vital when it comes to branding online. 

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Topics: branding

Creating a brand within a budget: professional doesn't always mean expensive

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Mar 29, 2016 9:31:18 AM

If you’re a small business, a freelancer, or any type of business on a tight budget, the terms ‘brand marketing’ and ‘brand building’ might fill you with fear that they will cost you the earth. Consequently, you’re reluctant to go full steam ahead with a brand development venture. The good news is that branding might not be as expensive as you might think.


From exploiting the unique branding capabilities of social media platforms, many of which are free, to using videos as marketing tools, which are an incredibly low budget way to effectively build brand awareness, there is a number of ways businesses on a tight monetary leash, can create a brand designed to do what a brand should do - make an impression, stand out and ultimately sell.


In the last blog we looked at the importance of branding, the impact that style and colours can have on consumer choice and how branding is much more than just a logo.

In this post I’m going to demonstrate how creating your brand doesn’t have to cost the earth.

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Topics: branding

The Impact of Branding in Business - Colours and Symbols

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Mar 21, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Branding is a word commonly referred to by advertisers and marketeers, but what does it actually mean? 

Well, quite a lot as it turns out. As a business your brand is your most powerful tool, it's your identity, a representation of who you are and how you connect with your customers. Branding in Business goes way beyond just a logo, it’s your business culture and something which is reflected across all touchpoints - how you communicate with your customers, how you speak online and even the colours and symbols you use in your brand architecture - your logo.

The use of colour and design are a crucial part of creating an effective and cohesive brand identity. It allows you to showcase meaning and message without the use of words and once established it can also offer instantaneous recognition for your customers, with the potential for driving brand loyalty.

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Topics: business, branding

The Dating Game of the Business World: Recruitment in Leeds

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Feb 29, 2016 8:00:00 AM
  • The dating game of the business world: Recruitment

    Recruitment is crucial for any business. Without the right workforce a business would limp along and eventually grind to a halt. With the right employees behind a brand, firms can thrive, develop and prosper. It’s a bit like the dating game of the business world, get it wrong and you’re left frayed and frustrated, get it right and you’re buzzing, buoyant and excited about the future.

    Though hiring the right people isn’t easy and takes time, money and effort. If you’re an employer wrestling with the often precarious world of recruitment, you may find the following advice useful to help iron out recruitment problems and generate employment success.

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Topics: management, business, productivity

7 Reasons we love to do Business in Leeds

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Feb 8, 2016 8:30:00 AM
  • “Leeds is probably the best place in the UK to be working right now.” Now there’s a statement and it was one made just this time last year by BahGum, a social network for careers, companies and job seekers.

    It’s no secret that in recent years more and more of Britain’s top employers have been setting up a home in Leeds. And being home to the likes of HSBC subsidiary First Direct, Yorkshire Bank, more than 200 law firms, not to mention a myriad of innovative technology companies and start-ups, it’s hardly surprising Leeds has gained a justifiable crown of being regarded as being probably the best place in the UK to work right now, where jobs are “plentiful, meaningful and successful.”

    Carrwood Park takes a look at how and why Leeds has become widely known as the ‘London of the North’ and whether you’re starting a business in Leeds or are already well-established, seven reasons why it makes sense to do business in Leeds.

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Topics: business

7 of the best Mobile Apps for Flexible Office Space

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Feb 1, 2016 8:30:00 AM

Emerging as what was widely considered a unique privilege of company directors, flexible working patterns whereby we have greater freedom over when and where we choose to work, is now evolving as a habitual pattern of working for the masses. Prolific advances in communications and technology enabling us to work and report back to clients and our seniors from remote locations have paved the way for flexible, remote working. As a means of keeping up with the high demand of this modern model of working flexible office space is now readily available around the world, in the form of co-working centres, virtual offices and serviced offices.

They say there’s an app for practically anything these days, including apps to help businesses and freelancers of all shapes, sizes and industries, find their most convenient and ideal flexible office space and use their co-working set-up to the maximum.

If finding flexible office space in an attempt to craft a more professional business image and take your company forward is on your 2016 business list agenda, you may be interested in the following seven best mobile apps for flexible office space.


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Topics: Co-working and Flexible Working, Start-Up, business

10 Answers to your Questions about the Leeds Business Address...

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Jan 18, 2016 8:30:00 AM

  • Ask Me Anything: 10 Answers to Your Questions about Leeds business address

    We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, outside London Leeds is the largest business and financial hub in the UK. Given Leeds’ enviable status as being the ‘London of the North’, a vibrant, well-connected city, in which students and professionals flock to in their droves, it stands to reason having a business address in buoyant and thriving Leeds is going to paint your business in an admirable light. 

    If you are thinking of taking the plunge and getting an ultra-exclusive Leeds business address, either by renting office space in Leeds or having a virtual office in the city or its surroundings, take a look at the answers to the following ten important questions related to business addresses in Leeds?

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Topics: self-employed, Co-working and Flexible Working, Start-Up, business, location

13 of the 'Punniest' flexible office space puns you can find.

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Jan 11, 2016 8:30:00 AM

From the ‘big cheese’ in his/her office having little to do with the humble workforce, to the ladies swooning over the latest hunky recruit in the sales departments, offices by their very nature are full of clichés, jokes and puns. As flexible office space continues to snowball in prominence and popularity, so too do the jokes and jibes about this modern form of office space. Carrwood Park takes a look at 13 of the ‘punniest’ flexible office space puns you can find.

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Topics: self-employed, offices, Co-working and Flexible Working, business, productivity

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