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Oliver Corrigan

Oliver Corrigan
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7 easy employee productivity hacks

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Oct 10, 2017 8:30:00 AM

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Topics: News, SME, productivity

Carrwood Park Bonfire - FAQ's

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Oct 5, 2017 4:33:15 PM


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Topics: events

An easy guide to finding your perfect meeting room

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Oct 3, 2017 8:30:00 AM

Is your current meeting room not up to your standards? Want somewhere in a more convenient location? Maybe you don’t currently have a purpose-built meeting room? If you found yourself nodding whilst reading any of the above, then you may have given up on finding your ideal meeting room. But there’s no need to worry, that ‘perfect’ meeting room is very real! You just need to know how to find it…

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Topics: News, Meetings, SME, business, productivity, meeting rooms, events, networking

Why we're proud to be an eco-friendly business

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Sep 26, 2017 8:30:00 AM

Did you know that global temperatures are rising at an alarming rate, with 16 of the 17 warmest years on record coming after 2001? Or that Arctic sea ice has shrunk by 3.5-4.1% every decade since 1979? With one of the strongest recorded hurricanes in history recently hitting the Atlantic, it’s unsurprising that climate change is one of the most important topics this century.

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Topics: News, management, SME, business, branding

9 ways to stretch your meeting room budget without compromising on quality

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Sep 19, 2017 8:30:00 AM

Using a high-quality meeting room to host your business meetings is a sure-fire way to increase the credibility and general success of your organisation. Some of you may have experienced those moments where you’re forced to meet a client in a crowded coffee shop with poor internet access. It’s really not ideal for anyone and damages your business' reputation. But if you’ve ever held a meeting in a professional meeting room, you’ll know that it undoubtedly produces a more comfortable and productive environment than any make-shift meeting space could.

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Topics: News, Meetings, business, meeting rooms

Co-working: everything you need to know

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Sep 12, 2017 8:30:00 AM

There’s been plenty of popular trends in our industry over the years, but very few have grown in popularity as rapidly as co-working. Did you know the first official co-working space was opened back in 2005 in America?

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Topics: self-employed, News, Co-working and Flexible Working, Start-Up, SME, business, leeds co-working space

7 ideas for your office Christmas party

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Sep 5, 2017 8:30:00 AM

Yes, we know it’s only September! But believe it or not, 16th September marks 100 days until Christmas… That special time of the year is fast approaching, and you’ll find yourself sat around the table with your Christmas hats and crackers before you know it.

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Topics: News, events

5 mistakes you're making in your search for a new office

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Aug 29, 2017 8:30:00 AM

With world-class office space often comes great business success. Therefore, it’s no understatement that finding the right office is one of the most important things you’ll do as a business leader or decision-maker.

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Topics: News, offices, SME, business, office space, serviced offices

Third space: exactly what your office is missing

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Aug 22, 2017 8:00:00 AM

More and more companies are becoming aware of the vast importance of taking care of their employees. The stress and happiness levels of the people who work for you are key, not least because they dictate how productive they will be.

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Topics: productivity, serviced offices, networking

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