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Oliver Corrigan

Oliver Corrigan
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Is it better to have an office in the city centre or the outskirts?

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Feb 2, 2015 8:30:00 AM

With countless amenities on your doorstep, convenient transportation and a buoyant hustle and bustle that gets you ‘in the mood’ for work, the benefits of city centre working have long been established and exploited. But did you know more and more firms and working professionals are now seeking office space on the outskirts of a city?

According to a report in Property Wire, office take up across the biggest six regional office markets in the UK, including Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Bristol, increased by at least 30% in 2014. 

As demand for office markets outside London looks set to continue, where is more beneficial for modern firms and professional workers to conduct their working day – is it better to have an office in the city centre or the outskirts? 

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Topics: offices, SME, location

Face to Face Meetings VS Teleconferencing - with infographic

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Jan 26, 2015 8:30:00 AM


As companies strive to adopt telework initiatives, teleconferencing has increased rapidly in recent years. The primary advantage of teleconferencing is clear – it enables business to conduct meetings with clients, colleagues and partners that are geographically dispersed. Whilst teleconferencing continues to gain momentum, meeting and making decisions over the phone is not always the answer.

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Topics: self-employed, Meetings, SME, business

Which Serviced Office layout best suits your business in Leeds?

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Jan 26, 2015 8:30:00 AM


Long gone are the days when one serviced office looked almost identical to the next, with clusters of workstations nestled together defining one team from another and doing little to nurture cross-department collaboration.

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Topics: offices, SME, business

How to choose the location of your office space

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Jan 19, 2015 8:30:00 AM

Thanks to phenomenal changes and advances in technology and communications, we can work from almost anywhere. From freelancers to start-ups, we’re all lapping up the modern privilege of flexible working arrangements, whipping our laptops out at every given moment.

There becomes a point however when home office and coffee shop set-ups become limiting, particularly if you have bigger aspirations for your business.

If you’re thinking big in 2015 and those niggling concerns that your home office – no matter how convenient and cosy – just couldn’t cater for an expanding team or important client meetings, hiring out office space could be just the ticket to move your business into a higher gear. But what is the best location for office space?

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Topics: offices, SME, business, location

Why you need office space - when you thought you didn't

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Jan 12, 2015 8:30:00 AM

Rolling out of bed at 8.50am. Blearily making yourself a coffee and starting work at 9.00am still in your pyjamas! Sounds heavenly doesn’t it? But is the lure of homeworking as productive, convenient and appealing as it seems? Let us answer the question: Do I need office Space?

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Topics: self-employed, Meetings, offices, Co-working and Flexible Working, Start-Up, SME, business

Proud to be yorkshire. A look back over 2014 with Carrwood Park

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Jan 5, 2015 8:30:00 AM


What a year it has been for Yorkshire. Thanks to having the privilege of hosting the Tour de France Grand Depart, ‘God’s Own County’ is now an all but global household name.

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9 New Years Resolutions for your Small Business

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Jan 2, 2015 2:58:00 PM

New Years resolutions are often made without much thought and are then forgotten about come February. Dont fall into this trap in 2015.

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Topics: self-employed, SME, business

How to set up your Serviced Office for maximum productivity

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Dec 22, 2014 8:30:00 AM


It goes without saying really, where you work has a significant impact on how you work. This blog promises to advise you on how to best set your Serviced Office up to get the most out of your team.

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Topics: self-employed, offices, SME, business

Every Business Mans Wishlist for Santa

Posted by Oliver Corrigan on Dec 15, 2014 8:30:00 AM

A fancy new laptop? A stylish executive chair? A well-deserved weekend break for two to Paris perhaps? What do you buy that businessman or woman in your life who seems to have everything?

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