The office Christmas party has been landed with quite a bad reputation in recent years, being thought of either as a dreaded obligation or even a potential ruiner of people’s careers.
The office Christmas party has been landed with quite a bad reputation in recent years, being thought of either as a dreaded obligation or even a potential ruiner of people’s careers.
The First of December has arrived! Children around the world are excitedly opening the first door on their advent calendar. If you are a small business, Christmas can be an exceptionally busy time.
Topics: self-employed, Start-Up, SME, business
It’s no secret, the number of people working at home and from remote locations is rapidly escalating.
Topics: self-employed, SME, business
“Sign here on the dotted line please Sir?” To which the company director fervently signs, ecstatic he has finally got proper business premises and his company really is going places!
Topics: self-employed, offices, SME, business
Co-working, virtual office space, shared offices, they all give workers who work independently from a ‘traditional’ office the chance to reap the benefits of working alongside other people in a flexible and modern way.
Topics: self-employed, Co-working and Flexible Working, Start-Up, SME, business
If you couldn't make it to our bonfire night this year then you missed a great evening of Fireworks, Food and Fun.
Remember, remember the fifth of November gunpowder treason and plot.
Bonfire Night is almost upon us and there is a smouldering glow of excitement gathering in the air.
Topics: self-employed, Co-working and Flexible Working, Start-Up, business
‘Location, location, location’. The estate agents love to tell us, when it comes to buying real estate, it’s all about location.
Topics: self-employed, offices, location, branding