You’ve got an impending meeting. The outcome of the meeting is likely to have a significant impact on your business, so naturally you want everything to run smoothly and the meeting to be a success.
You’ve got an impending meeting. The outcome of the meeting is likely to have a significant impact on your business, so naturally you want everything to run smoothly and the meeting to be a success.
Topics: Meetings
The modern office spectre is changing. With flexibility at the core of contemporary working practices, there has never been so much choice in terms of when and where you work.
Starting a business is hard work. According to serial businessman and former dragon in the Dragon’s Den Theo Paphitis, 50% of all small business fail in the first couple of years in the UK. They say if you are going to fail, you should fail fast. But could these high levels of failures be preventable?
Topics: self-employed, SME, business
The popularity of serviced offices has been phenomenal in recent years. In fact in 2013, Karen Overbury of The Journal wrote, with a strong rate of growth, “serviced offices is most likely the fastest-growing sector of the European and global property market.”
Topics: self-employed, offices
Launch day is drawing unnervingly closer.
Will your product be a success? Or will it, like three out of four start-ups, be discarded onto the failure heap before it’s even got going?
Topics: self-employed, Start-Up
If you work from home you are no longer in a minority. In fact according to official figures by the Trade Union Congress (TUC), you’re one of more than four million people who now regularly work from home in the UK.
Strapped for time? We’ve all heard of the term ‘outsourcing’. Like estate agents and bankers, ‘outsourcing’ was once considered a slightly controversial practice. As global business practices continue to evolve and change, outsourcing is becoming infinitely more widespread, popular and imperative.
So what is stopping you?
Whether you’re a freelance web designer or the director of a fashion start-up, networking is an indispensable component of modern business growth.
Topics: Meetings
Topics: self-employed